Clarke Willmott LLP

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Clarke Willmott LLP is a national law firm with an excellent reputation. We have a specialist team of dedicated serious injury and medical negligence solicitors who are recognised as experts. We only ever act for Claimants (injured people and their families). We are accredited by the Law Society, APIL and AvMA Medical Negligence Panels. We work closely with charities across the UK. Our lawyers are recommended in the independent guides to the legal profession.

We provide a wide range of expertise and experience in helping people who have suffered serious injury as a result of an accident, work related illness or at the hands of medical practitioners. We have a specialism in handling cases where patients have suffered severe, life-changing injuries such as spinal injuries, brain damage and neurological injury, bowel, bladder and obstetric cases.

We are committed to working in our clients’ best interests and have the experience and expertise to focus on outcomes beyond financial compensation; for many injured people and their families the priority is to get answers or access the best rehabilitation, treatment, care or to return to work, but the underlying aim for all is to get their lives back on track as soon as they can and we can help achieve that.

Clarke Willmott is a full-service law firm, so we can give you expert guidance on any other legal matters arising from your injury, such as employment issues, family law matters and managing your financial affairs.

We have offices around the country but can also come to you.

Tel: 0800 316 8892

Where are we based?:

Birmingham Office – 138 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2ES
Bristol Office – Georges Square, Bath Street, Bristol BS1 6BA
Cardiff Office – 2nd Floor, Emperor House, Scott Harbour, Pierhead Street, Cardiff CF10 4PH
London Office – Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1LF
Manchester Office – 2nd Floor, 19 Spring Gardens, Manchester M2 1FB
Southampton Office – Burlington House, Botleigh Grange Business Park, Hedge End, Southampton SO30 2AF
Taunton Office – Blackbrook Gate, Blackbrook Park Avenue, Taunton TA1 2PG

Connect With Clarke Willmott

If you would like to feature in our Supplier Directory, contact Disabled Living today on 0161 214 4590 or email us at


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